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English Communication II (A)

English Communication II (A)
秋 月/12秋 月/34
* Guided Language Activities
Through a series of mini-lessons, students can become aware of various strategies and the language often used by native speakers. With a partner, students will practice specific ' forms, meanings, and uses ' presented on a handout. In later lessons and with different partners, students will have a chance to integrate these specific points of English and new communication strategies during freeform Pair Discussions.

* Pair Discussion
The task is a simple one, but challenging and enjoyable. Each lesson, students will have a different partner and discuss the topic of the day. For 20 to 30 minutes, the pair is on their own... in English.
After becoming aware of and practicing some basic communication strategies students have the basic classroom language needed
....to ask for the language they need and to help others who need help,
....to clarify and expand their ideas and to help others do so
....to negotiate the complexities of face to face interaction.

Students will discover they can understand the intended meaning of what their partner says ; even if their partnerユs fluency or accuracy in English is not such a high level, and that they can even help their partner express what he had wanted to say... in English. In this ' give and take ' process, both fluency and accuracy can be worked on. Also during Pair Discussions, students take a memo of any language they used but they are not sure about accuracy. In addition ideas that they are not able to express at all in English are recorded. This information is used by the teacher for vocabulary study and large group activities.

* Large-group Activities ( teacher-assited, but student initiated )
A large-group activity is when the teacher is at the board ' conducting and orchestrating' the flow of ideas and the changing focus of the classroom dialog. Usually it comes at the second half of the lesson. One of the typical large-group activities is for students to ask for clarification on the language they used during Pair Discussions; including how to pronounce a word, or how to express an idea in English, or to see if there are other ways to express the same idea. Cross-cultural aspects of that lesson's specific topic can also be explored.

* Peer-mentoring Activities
A typical example of peer-mentoring is for students to help their partner practice , use and memorize new vocabulary listed on a vocabulary study sheet. The vocabulary list is created from items which various groups listed on their memo during Pair Discussion. Learning how to paraphrase an idea or to express the opposite meaning can also be done effectively through peer-mentoring.

* Homework
Students should prepare for discussion by reading and understanding a handout containing various opinions on a specific topic. The opinions are those of students who discussed the topic in previous years. These written opinions contain some important vocabulary and grammar that a native speaker might use to discuss that topic. Students are asked to read and reflect upon the ideas and opinions of former students; identifying those ideas which are true for themselves. By writing a one-page response about the topic, students prepare themselves to discuss ideas and share opinions on the topic during the following lesson.

The homework is handed in each lesson. It is a chance for the teacher to 'see' students' ideas that he can not hear in the lesson when 15 pairs of students are discussing simultaneously. The teacher ' checks ' the homework by giving suggestions to the writer as to how a native speaker might express an idea which a student was having difficulty expressing clearly in English.

* Maintaining and using a portfolio
There is no textbook. Various handouts are used each lesson. A file is used to create a portfolio for these papers. Some of the guided-langauge activity handouts contain language which students need to refer to until they have become comfortable in using it. The file is an important resource to use in class while discussing and out of class when doing homework. When the corrected homework is handed back, it is to be collected and organized in the file as a portfolio of their semester's work.
This will be an ENGLISH-ONLY class; speaking English both in Pair Discussions and when interacting within the larger group. Students who are not confident in the fluency or accuracy of their spoken English can learn much. A desire to speak and willingness to work on fluency is important. Students will be asked to share their ideas and respond to the opinions of others.

Language fluency requires an ability to act or react in many unexpected situations. In Pair Discussions, students will deal with unexpected ideas and opinions in communication and will develop strategies for such situations. The whole course and each lesson focuses on :

INDEPENDENCE which allows students to learn and use English on their own.

INTERACTION which allows students to work with others.

INTEGRATION which allows students to incorporate knowledge from other language studies into real communication ability
* Summer vacation;
I did.. , I was planning to.. , I wish I hadn’t...
* Find partners for semester
* Vocabulary support: collaborating with peers
Be ready to talk about your summer vacation
* My parents won't let me... * Quoting directly or reported speech* Write personal response to weekly topic ; three new ideas
* Complete / review any handout
*Complete any Grammar Book assignment; write question
* Access Blackboard
* Review vocabulary from handouts, Grammar Book, personal dictionary
* How my life is different from my friends’ lives * With partner, determine final version of 'vocabulary support' data* Write personal response to weekly topic ; three new ideas
* Complete / review any handout
*Complete any Grammar Book assignment; write question
* Access Blackboard
* Review vocabulary from handouts, Grammar Book, personal dictionary
* Study abroad?
What do you need to improve.
* A long-term project* Write personal response to weekly topic ; three new ideas
* Complete / review any handout
*Complete any Grammar Book assignment; write question
* Access Blackboard
* Review vocabulary from handouts, Grammar Book, personal dictionary
* Charity ; I could give up something to save money
* A luxury, convenience, or necessity
* One page summary of website* Write personal response to weekly topic ; three new ideas
* Complete / review any handout
*Complete any Grammar Book assignment; write question
* Access Blackboard
* Review vocabulary from handouts, Grammar Book, personal dictionary
* Regrets ; I wish that I had / had not... * Finding the right word; connotation* Write personal response to weekly topic ; three new ideas
* Complete / review any handout
*Complete any Grammar Book assignment; write question
* Access Blackboard
* Review vocabulary from handouts, Grammar Book, personal dictionary
* Things I do that are not good for my body. Eating, drinking , smoking. * Brainstorming follow-up questions* Write personal response to weekly topic ; three new ideas
* Complete / review any handout
*Complete any Grammar Book assignment; write question
* Access Blackboard
* Review vocabulary from handouts, Grammar Book, personal dictionary
* Making money - part time jobs
* A perfect job...
* Language needed in part-time jobs
* Comparing and contrasting meanings
* Student self-evaluation of attitude, effort, skill
Complete handout over weekly topic.
Write personal response to weekly topic ; three new ideas
Access Blackboard ; Vocabulary study
* My New Year's resolution* Brain-storming techniques and word-mapping* Write personal response to weekly topic ; three new ideas
* Complete / review any handout
*Complete any Grammar Book assignment; write question
* Access Blackboard
* Review vocabulary from handouts, Grammar Book, personal dictionary
* Why in the world ... ?* Words that can not be translated across cultures.
* Giving Definitions , Describing , Explaining
* Write personal response to weekly topic ; three new ideas
* Complete / review any handout
*Complete any Grammar Book assignment; write question
* Access Blackboard
* Review vocabulary from handouts, Grammar Book, personal dictionary
* How I budget my time and money.
Is it being wasted ?
* Expressing opinions* Write personal response to weekly topic ; three new ideas
* Complete / review any handout
*Complete any Grammar Book assignment; write question
* Access Blackboard
* Review vocabulary from handouts, Grammar Book, personal dictionary
* Problem Posing- an approach* Looking at Tamagawa and education; brainstorm ideas for proposal* Write personal response to weekly topic ; three new ideas
* Complete / review any handout
*Complete any Grammar Book assignment; write question
* Access Blackboard
* Review vocabulary from handouts, Grammar Book, personal dictionary
* Expectations before entering TU /LA* In what way did your expectations not 'come true?'* Write personal response to weekly topic ; three new ideas
* Complete / review any handout
*Complete any Grammar Book assignment; write question
* Access Blackboard
* Review vocabulary from handouts, Grammar Book, personal dictionary
Presentation of proposalsEvaluation and assessment of presentations* Write personal response to weekly topic ; three new ideas
* Complete / review any handout
Presentation of proposals* Evaluating the semesterBe prepared to ask any questions

There is no textbook.
Students will be assessed continually on their awareness, attitude, behavior, knowledge and skills. This is mainly done through observation by the teacher both in class during lesson activities and out of class through reading and correcting written homework. There will also be a written test covering vocabulary and grammar points. Students are also asked to evaluate their own attitude, effort, and classroom participation.

Assessment of Process ( 過程 ) 50%

● Initiating communication in Large Group ( 15 % )
● Volunteering a response in Large Group ( 20 % )
● Participation / attitude ( pair work ) ( 15 % )

Assessment of Product ( 提出物 ) 50%

●Homework; handed in or by e-mail ( 25 % )
●tests; mid-term and final ( 15 % )
●Conferences / long term project ( 10 % )
