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English Workshop A

English Workshop A
秋 水/34
この授業では、写真の世界が辿ってきた素晴らしい歴史について触れます。その始まりの19世紀から、21世紀の最近のトレンドまでを辿ります。この授業の目的は、写真が専門家の記録から、芸術対象となり, ついには商業的価値を生み出すまでの過程についての、深い理解を得ることです。受講生は、様々な写真、ポスター、広告に何を見出し、何を感じるかについて探求していく姿勢が求められます。

Contents of the Lecture: This course presents an historical overview of the exciting world of photography, from its beginnings in the 19th century to its latest trends in the 21st century. The objective is to give students a good understanding of how the photograph has evolved from being viewed as a technical document to that of an art object and finally to that of a commercial object. Students will explore various photographs, posters and ads and describe what they see and feel about them.

English presentation and description skills to facilitate not only communication about the arts but also self expression is strongly encouraged. Students are required to give an oral presentation on one of their favorite photographs or, if they wish to, their own original work. They should explore what the photographs mean to them--how do they relate to their lives and values.
Greetings, introductions and classroom management (rules) and expectations. What is the purpose of a photograph?
The teacher will share a wide range of photos, and students will share their responses in pair practice.
Be ready to learn and enjoy.
The age old argument on Photography as Art Is a photograph an art object? The class will look at both arguments and form an opinion.
Students will share their collected photocopy of an image for pair practice.
Homework: Journal entries and collection of a copy of an image(post card/magazine photo/ad for discussion.
Prepare and bring homework and something to share if required.
Introduction to early photographs from the early to middle 1900s (The Civil War, the Native Americans, the Romantics of England and others.) Students will share their collected photocopy of an image for pair practice.
Homework: Journal entries and collection of a copy of a print /post card/ magazine photo/ad for next week’s discussion.
Prepare and bring homework and something to share if required.
The power of Alfred Stieglitz, (1864-1946) the grandfather of photography who changed the rules on how photographs were to be viewed. Students will share their collected photocopy of an image for pair practice.
Homework: Journal entries and collection of a copy of a print /post card/ magazine photo/ad for next week’s discussion.
Prepare and bring homework and something to share if required.
The power of Paul Strand (1890-1976), and realism in everyday life. Students will share their responses in pair practice on the photos shown in class.
Students will share their collected photocopy of an image for pair practice.
Homework: Journal entries and collection of a copy of a print /post card/ magazine photo/ad for next week’s discussion.
Prepare and bring homework and something to share if required.
The Power of Man Ray (1890-1976) and his Rayographs, and his perception of the surreal. Students will share their responses in pair practice on the photos shown in class.
Students will share their collected photocopy of an image for pair practice.
Homework: Journal entries and collection of a copy of a print /post card/ magazine photo/ad for next week’s discussion.
Prepare and bring homework and something to share if required.
The power of Andy Warhol and his use of photo images in art. Students will share their responses in pair practice on the photos shown in class.
Students will share their collected photocopy of an image for pair practice.
Homework: Journal entries and collection of a copy of a print /post card/ magazine photo/ad for next week’s discussion.
Prepare and bring homework and something to share if required.
The power of Imogen Cunningham (1883-1976) and her humanist portraits, as well as her naturalist approach to flowers. Students will share their responses in pair practice on the photos shown in class.
Students will share their collected photocopy of an image for pair practice.
Homework: Journal entries and collection of a copy of a print /post card/ magazine photo/ad for next week’s discussion.
Prepare and bring homework and something to share if required.
The power of Eugene Atget (1857-1927) and his images of France. His city vs. TokyoStudents will share their responses in pair practice on the photos shown in class.
Students will share their collected photocopy of an image for pair practice.
Homework: Journal entries and collection of a copy of a print /post card/ magazine photo/ad for next week’s discussion.
Prepare and bring homework and something to share if required.
The power of Dorothea Lang (1985-1965) and her portraits of the disenfranchised and dispossessed people of America.Students will share their responses in pair practice on the photos shown in class.
Students will share their collected photocopy of an image for pair practice.
Homework: Journal entries and collection of a copy of a print /post card/ magazine photo/ad for next week’s discussion.
Prepare and bring homework and something to share if required.
The power of Diane Arbus(1923-1971) and her portraits of people living on the margins of society; Compare to Japan’s photo booth craze.Students will share their responses in pair practice on the photos shown in class.
Students will share their collected photocopy of an image for pair practice.
Homework: Journal entries and collection of a copy of a print /post card/ magazine photo/ad for next week’s discussion.
Prepare and bring homework and something to share if required.
The world of digital photographs and their impact on journalism, education, and art.Students will share their responses in pair practice on the photos shown in class.
Students will share their collected photocopy of an image for pair practice.
Prepare and bring homework and something to share if required.
First third of class will give presentationsStudents will share their responses in pair practice on the photos shown in class.
Students will share their collected photocopy of an image for pair practice.
Prepare and bring homework and something to share if required.
Second third of class will give presentations.Students will share their responses in pair practice on the photos shown in class.
Students will share their collected photocopy of an image for pair practice.
Prepare and bring homework and something to share if required.
Presentation of digital work; the teacher’s self-presentation. Students will share their responses in pair practice on the photos shown in class.
Students will share their collected photocopy of an image for pair practice.
Prepare and bring homework and something to share if required.

There is no textbook.
70 percent of the grade is based on attendance, in class participation (which includes strong emphasis on pair practice ), and weekly homework assignments (such as journal entries in their student folders on a photograph or image related to the course content).
30 percent of the grade is based on a final oral presentation about 2 minutes in length of a famous photograph, or of their own work.
