授業計画 | テーマ | 内容 | 授業を受けるにあたって |
第1回目 | What is Reading? | Introduction & Overview.
Course content and requirements. | * Be ready to participate. |
第2回目 | Basic reading and the theoretic models of reading. | Characteristics of effective, balanced reading programs.
( skills-based instruction and whole language instruction)
Phonemic Awareness ( decoding )
Phonics ( decoding )
Fluency ( decoding )
Comprehension | * Bring A-4 clear file
* Bring photograph / complete card
* Finish Extensive Reading.
* Fill out Weekly Log |
第3回目 | Reading Instruction, Motivation and Engagement.
Inviting Beginners into the Literacy Club.
Rationale for an emergent reading program. | Developing linguistic knowledge:
concepts of print, phonemic awareness, alphabet knowledge,and literacy-related knowledge and skills. | * Finish Extensive Reading.
* Fill out Weekly Log |
第4回目 | The language experience approach.
Shared reading / Interactive writing. | literacy rich environments. | * Finish Extensive Reading.
* Fill out Weekly Log |
第5回目 | Phonemic awareness: what is it? | Teaching strategies for teaching phonemic awareness. | * Finish Extensive Reading.
* Fill out Weekly Log |
第6回目 | Decoding Words: Part I
Phonics: what is it and now to teach it? | Spelling, word recognition & reading development. | * Finish Extensive Reading.
* Fill out Weekly Log |
第7回目 | Decoding Words: Part II.
Vocabulary Learning and Instruction. | Vocabulary Knowledge, Word Meanings, Word Recognition
High-frequency words: what they are and how to teach them
Principles, activities and strategies for teaching word recognition and meaning.
Sight Vocabulary vs ‘sounding out’ / word walls to promote word recognition
Other Word-Recognition Skills : Word-structure and context-clue instruction | * Finish Extensive Reading.
* Fill out Weekly Log |
第8回目 | Reading fluency: what, why, and how? | Classroom routines, strategies, and reading materials that foster fluency.
Relationship between sustained silent reading and independent reading. | * Finish Extensive Reading.
* Fill out Weekly Log |
第9回目 | Comprehension, Understanding, Constructing / Making Meaning
Vocabulary and its relationship to comprehension | Modeling comprehension instructional strategies.
Explain how story structure can aid comprehension.
Comprehension strategy instruction
Describe scaffolding as it relates to comprehension. | * Finish Extensive Reading.
* Fill out Weekly Log |
第10回目 | Independent Reading and Reader Response | Reader and text factors - Comprehension processes
Instructional strategies that develop readers’ interactions. | * Finish Extensive Reading.
* Fill out Weekly Log |
第11回目 | Reading Assessment: tools and uses | Standardized and informal reading/literacy assessments.
Using authentic assessment for making decisions about instruction.
Miscue analysis, running records, kidwatching, anecdotal notes, checklists, interviews
Portfolios in the classroom | * Finish Extensive Reading.
* Fill out Weekly Log |
第12回目 | Organizing Literacy Instruction | Using basal reading textbooks
Using reading/writing workshop
Content Area Literacy | * Finish Extensive Reading.
* Fill out Weekly Log |
第13回目 | Technology, Reading Instruction and Literacy | Technology tools and their uses
Technology and new literacies | * Finish Extensive Reading.
* Fill out Weekly Log |
第14回目 | Reading Instruction to EFL students. | Acknowledging and building on students’ cultural knowledge.
Supporting English learners’ reading development.
Culturally responsive and relevant reading instruction | * Finish Extensive Reading.
* Fill out Weekly Log |
第15回目 | Higher Order Thinking skills | How have you used them in your own reading for this course? | * Finish Extensive Reading.
* Fill out Weekly Log |