授業計画 | テーマ | 内容 | 授業を受けるにあたって |
第1回目 | Spring 4/12 Fall 9/27
Course Overview
Description: Personal PR | Personal description and promotion: Outlining information | Preview the Syllabus |
第2回目 | Spring 4/19 Fall 10/4
Peer and Electronic editing | Personal description and promotion: Responding to feedback | Prepare a study abroad application |
第3回目 | Spring 4/26 Fall 10/18
Describing objects: Advertisements | Advertisement copy | 1) Revise study abroad apllication
2) Write a product ad |
第4回目 | Spring 5/10 Fall 10/25
Describing organizations | 1) Product advertisement: Responding to feedback
2) Company PR | Restaurant PR article |
第5回目 | Spring 5/17 Fall 11/1
Peer editing / Revising drafts | In-class writing workshop | Finalize study abroad application |
第6回目 | Spring 5/24 Fall 11/15
Consumer reports | Comparison markers and organization of a comparative essay | 1) Finalize ad
2) Collect product info |
第7回目 | Spring 5/31 Fall 11/22
Writing comparisons | Product review: Organizing information | Review of two products |
第8回目 | Spring 6/7 Fall 11/29
Peer editing / Revising drafts | Product review: Responding to feedback | Finalize restaurant review |
第9回目 | Spring 6/14 Fall 12/6
Persuasive writing: Outlining a proposal | Structure of a persuasive essay | Finalize product review |
第10回目 | Spring 6/21 Fall 12/13
Persuasive writing: Composing a proposal | Defining needs, identifying resources and proposing solutions | Create a proposal for community improvement |
第11回目 | Spring 6/28 Fall 12/20
Peer editing / Revising drafts | In-class writing workshop | Revise proposal |
第12回目 | Spring 7/5 Fall 1/17
Peer editing / Revising drafts | In-class writing workshop | Finalize proposal |
第13回目 | Spring 7/12
Presentation of proposals | | |
第14回目 | | | |
第15回目 | | | |