授業計画 | テーマ | 内 容 |
第1回目 |
Setting up classroom routine ; Discussing course requirements ; Getting to know each other
Focus on asking for clarification ; Unstated information and intended meaning
第2回目 |
Focus on giving enough information; fluency vs accuracy; appropriate responses
第3回目 |
Focus on paraphrasing; Simple vocabulary for difficult ideas; Translation is not the best choice
第4回目 |
Focus on quoting deirectly or reported speech ; Stating facts and opinions; Fluency vs accuracy
第5回目 |
Focus on brain-storming techniques and word-mapping; Comparing and contrasting meanings
第6回目 |
Fashions, Crazes and Trends
Focus on pronounciation; identifying syllables, vowel length, pitch, reduced forms
第7回目 |
Focus on finding the right word; Describing,Explaining; Giving definitions
第8回目 |
Focus on Peer Mentoring-helping a partner; Using a language informant effectively
第9回目 |
Focus on saying what you mean; Description, interpretation, evaluation
第10回目 |
Focus on Making choices-Creating the Me...that i want to be
第11回目 |
Focus on figures of speech; Focus on untrue conditions and wishes-Form, Meaning, Use
第12回目 |
Focus on collocation, larger chunks of meaning, loan words
第13回目 |
Focus on problem Posing; Describing what we see, Defining the problem/Raising quesions, Relating the issue to our lives, Analyzing reasons for the problem; Exploring solutions
第14回目 |
Focus on Change of awareness, attitude, behavior and skills in class
第15回目 |
Focus on Evaluating the semester