担当別50音一覧 |
科 目 | 英作文クリニック | 区 分 | 教養科導入科目群 |
授業番号 | 8120、8367 | 開設セメスター | 1・2S |
曜日・時限 | 水34、水34 | 単位数 | 2単位 |
担当者名 | エリザベス・ネイヴィン |
授業の概要 |
students to produce ideas of their own while being accountable for different finished products. The finished products will include letter and essay format and styles ranging from personal narrative to formal comparison. |
授業計画 | テーマ | 内 容 |
第1回目 |
The Light-Fingered Elephant. Coffee Breakthrough Politics and Fashion. Capricornians. |
第2回目 |
New York is more. Late Night City. Detectives. Central Park |
第3回目 |
A Good Friend Cancerians. Spendthrifts. A Good Friend Cancerians Spendthrifts Zero Hour |
第4回目 |
Singular-------- Plural |
A Thanksgiving Celebration. Who's brad Pitt? Librans Keep a Cat |
第5回目 |
The Yenta. Scorpions. Fire and I. |
第6回目 |
Rock Rebirth. Model Parents. Old Bones. Guest of Honor. |
第7回目 |
Keep a Cat. Rush Hour Blues. The Yenta. |
第8回目 |
Fire Alarm. Antibilingualism. Late Night City. |
第9回目 |
Rock Rebirth. Model Parents. |
第10回目 |
Big Business. Writing Well. The Throwaway Society. |
第11回目 |
Sequence of Tenses. |
A Letter Home. Big Business. |
第12回目 |
Dialog-------Reported Speech |
One Thing I Like. Don't Run Away. |
第13回目 |
Dialog----------Direct Speech. |
One Thing I Like. Who's Brad Pitt? Six Cats. |
第14回目 |
Big Business. Writing Well. The Throwaway Society. |
第15回目 |
Rich and Poor. Guest of Honor. Politics and Fashion. Manhatten Green. |
使用テキスト |
26 Steps Linda Ann Kunz Prentice Hall Regents Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 |
参考文献 |
Additional Written Materials ex. magazines, books, newspapers |
成績評価方法 |
Grading: class participation homework 2 written exams final original paper and/or a written critique of a specific work |
履修条件等 |
none |